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OCRFeeder is a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system.

OCRFeeder has a simple graphical user interface that is designed to the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines. It performs a Document Layout Analysis and transfers the layout to capable output formats. It searches for content areas, outlines them and guesses the content type (text or image) and processes text areas through the OCR back-end. It can use virtually any command-line OCR engine as back-end and features auto-detection and auto-configuration for all popular free engines. OCR back-ends may be either auto-configured, the necessary command line entered in a GUI dialogue or configured directly via a XML file. Scan image post-processing including de-skewing can be done. All recognition results can be reviewed and edited before saving to the desired output format. Sessions can be saved and loaded. The suite also includes a spell checker. OCRFeeder has built-in procedures for the post-processing of the raw OCR results returned by the OCR engine. It can remove remaining segmentation to printed lines of text, even with removal of hyphenation.

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