KTurtle makes programming easy and approachable.
The programming language used in KTurtle is loosely based on Logo. KTurtle allows to translate the programming language (the commands, the documentation and the error messages) to the native language of the programmer. This is one of the many ways KTurtle tries to make learning to program simpler.
Additional features of the app are:
Use Kturtle online on rollApp with no download on any device: on your computer, laptop, Chromebook, iPad or Android tablets. Save your work to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other cloud storage. Education on a go.
I love KTurtle!! Its just that when I press a letter, it takes a second or two to be it on the screen.I am in class 4C VIBYOR and I am being teached this.
It is perfect but the only flaw that it lags sometimes
lags a bit otherwise works fine
Good but screen gets frozen even with good good WiFi. शौर्य अग्रवाल. SHAURYA AGRAWAL
it is so good app for me
Fun app
screen gets frozen very often
sooo cool app i love this app
nice app i love it
Nice app i love it's amazing nice to pass your time and learn something new
It has a bug, there is no way to stop infinite loop conditions with message window. Alert window just keeps on coming even after reset, logout etc.
its bravo , excellent and great
Its really really fun and inspiring I love it
Good appp
This app is really good, a bit laggy but a good app
Saving doesn't working.
Best Programming App ever!
Nice app! but its very VERY slow even with good network I don't know if it from my side but overall it amazing! <3
Buut Scratch and Roblox studio is very amazing.
it is a bit laggy but it's good. I remember 2021 when I had online class in Vibgyor High 3C. Ah, good times!
MUY MALOOO de un momento a otro la pantalla se me quedo negra totalmente , volvía abrir la pagina pero seguía con el mismo problema y no pude arreglarla.
Hello, I am Rishika!! I study in Vibgyor High School my teacher teaches me Kturtle... it's an awesome app!
@Mogtaba this isnt a drawing app this is a programming app
kturtle is very fun
I already made a verified account, it keeps showing my old email that I don't use and does not work I have to make a new 1 all the time and it does not download easily.
It is not working for me
This Is The Best Programming App Ive Ever Seen
It's just that the app is great, but, It sometimes does not let me open the app..That's because I have a starter rollApp ID..I think this should change..Otherwise it's awesome!
nise app
yeah this app is cool and make students learn and think so good
very cool we can learn and draw by using this app.i like of this appis that students have to write commands in it and then the turtle makes the drawing on the canvas
very cool
I am Nabhya from VIBGYOR HIGH HINJEWADI 3B Great application which is KTURTLE, but one thing is not good. Literally every time is shows an error that upgrade to premium set, because I am on Starter plan. THANK YOU!
My son studies in VIBGYOR high 4f he love this but he always say this to me :/ lots of commands he cant remember its super hard but after doing every thing even clicking run the output is amazing. Its an amazing app so he would give it 3 stars
Hello,i study in vibgyor high 3G section my teacher told me to login in rollapp and use kturtle so i logged in in this and this is a very nice app
I love it
it is cool and we can make it learn commands. draw figures and all
it is nice but the commands are a lot and we cant remeber all of it soo thats why a 3 star for kturtle
k tutle is so cool i can make amazing drawings
pretty good
verygood and orglinal kturtle.
ye app ghatiya ha
k tutle is so cool i can make amazing drawings
so bad
why is there so many people using this is it like an unblocker or just a drawing thing?
Very nice i like it a lot
The best application ever
best educational app ever i have seen
Its a bit weird that if i open it im not able to close it
I connected to cloud storage.I have starter account.Is it possible to save files to my cloud storage in starter plan
it is boring
something is not letting me in
I have a question that when I do the option repeat 6{print "I Love You Mummy" pu tl 50} the turtles head turns to the right but when I do number 8 in place of number 6 near print then it is right . Why like this ? I am not rating this app because I am asking a question . but this app is very nice . please answer
But it looks slow...
best app
It is good.. but rollapp won't allow me to use it
I love KTurtle nice app
AMAZING APP (●'◡'●)(●'◡'●)╰(*°▽°*)╯
I like this app but sometimes it just doesn't open
put the reset comand at the top ease
best coding app 🤖🤖🤖
tux paint is better than this and if you write tux paint download the second link you should click and then click start download and then a file will show and and then click open when done and wait 15-20 minutes and then a settings folder will show up on your screen but press x and the onl thing the file thats shows up on the screen is for settings and now go to file explorer and go to downloads and click tux piant
It is good I even love it but when there is only a button for new then why do they give it in files and sometimes rollapp asks for money but the children who performs only in rollapp then for that day how will they manage this is not right because who has money to pay they pay it easily but other people from very small schools if they will not be able to pay then how will they be able to study and that is not right because everyone should get to study because it's everyone's right of studying. The website should do something as an opinion of mine
Hello I am Nihaal Adabala. I am from Delhi Public School. My computer ma'am Told If in our pc it is not there we can use Kturtle in rollapp
hi guys iam RAYYAN YASER HASAN the app is so cool if you like thise app downlade tux paint it is more cool ten that one+
Hi i am suryansh i study in vibgyor high school 3rd standerd
Hi I am Aarav and I also study in Vibgyor High 3rd standard and I like this app
love Kturtle. so good
Kturtle is an amazing and wonderful app to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kturtle's rules
Hi I am Gaurang and I also study in Vibgyor High 3rd standard and I like this app
very nice app :)
It kinda works but a little
not nice
This app is very useful and helps me do things in my School (Vibgyor)
We can’t erase anything
its good but it always shows to upgrade but it opens after a while
IFSC Keyboard not visible
The app is awesome.My teacher also taught me in Vibgyor High grade 3B.
Although it is a good app, I want to launch it with limited capabilities but its compulsory to upgrade it with so much cost each month. It does not open. I want this to not happen again.
Hello my name is Aaradhya I study in Vibgyor high 3C good app but not able to type from iPad
so so so much fun
it a good app for drawing
nice app
so fun
Cool 😎
it is soooo good i study in vibgyor high4-e and it is amazing
Awesome App!!
i gave it 5 stars but it stoped working today i made a mistake by giving it 5 star
I like it I study in vibgyor high grade 4 section c my teacher told me too sign up and now I like it.
nice so good and op👍👍 cool app
i love it!!! but sometimes it's difficult to use... altogether it's still... my school (Vibgyor High) is teaching us about Kturtle in grade-4A... 😀😀😀
Really nice app. But sometimes does not follows my instructions .
Ktutle is very nice but it is not real programing, still it is am-a-zing!!!!!!!!! I study in Vibgyor High Grade 4 Section G & And my teacher has taught me about Kturtle
Very Impressive
It's to hard
the project is not saving
The app is amazing and is easy to download, so great app awsome very nice app.
I love the things K turtle gives limited capability.
Best education app
I made a design
It is very very good program
Cool app , AWESOME
Amazing, though I didn't upgrade to the premium or full package. There is everything I need. With limited capability, it is still amazing and useful. If you don't want to go to premium, it's alright. I am in grade 8 but yet it's good for me. Anyway, it's the best KTurtle I have ever seen. I highly recommend this app. 5/5
good awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMAZING! This app is very intelligent for learning programming.😀😀😀
It is very good it helped me very much in proggramming . Every child can do this. we need to smash kavita and shivmouli
it is nice.i love kturle
it is not good
It's very very good app give it 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000M
It is the best app. We use this in online school. I made a lot of projects for my school from this KTURTLE app.
Sometimes when I touch the screen it doesn't show keyboard but I love this app
I don't like it
I love this app
Nice app
Kturtle Is An Awsome AAAppppp I like it!
i love k turtle app
wow when i saw kturtle at first
it is a very good app for coding i liked the interface
I love the app
IDE keybord not coming in tab. Cannot type commands
Cool app!!!
I like it a lot even KTurtle is taught in my school
its a very good app i love it
Great coding app for beginers.
It is. Good
gosh, this turtle is slower than a real turtle..........
very nice
I love Kturtle
I like it a lot even KTurtle is taught in my school
i drew amazing drawings in Kturtle
ok it s good
Kturtle is amazing to code with.
i like lag
I love this app
am from vibgyor kharghar 3a its great my mam told me about this and its free of cost but some times when I am done with one app and I go to open other app it shows be upgrade or back to what evert app I used the last
Open this
amazing awesome wow wow wow wow awesome
nice app
this app is awesome it deserves double rates and double stars
Hello, this app is AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice app
It's nice and all but even with good internet it is super slow Scratch and Python are teeny tiny bit better But even this is great
Soooooooooooooooooo coooool and good for coding
It's not good . It is very slow even with very good internet connection . Scratch is free and much better .
This app, AMAZING!
best app ever known
it is so awesome that you can code
It's awesome Yooooooooooooo
amazing app ! loved it
so knowledgeable i love it i want more coding apps i am Hrithik Roshan your app is inspiring my elder son call me. ok.
ok type and good
its better than downloading kturtle if we want to download 3gb better than we can use kturtle online
I actually love this app because the turtle moves the turtle is made blocks
kturtle is very fun
I am in grade 4G and my teacher is teaching me Kturtle in my school. It is a nice application from Roll app but when we open it we feel happy:)😎😍💖💕🌹🎉 I love it #Avikamcoolsp
Amazing app!! i am in 4H Vibgyor !!
Wow this is cool I’m in grade 4B so so cool 😎
I am in grade 4D and my teacher is teaching me Kturtle in my school. It is a nice application from Roll app but when we open it from Roll app we cannot save the drawing.
good for drawing
It is very useful for me and I can study this for school.Now I also learnt how to code!!!!
Amazing but where u write commands that place disappeared! and i can't get it back! lol i know!
my teacher is studying us kturtle i am in grade 3 g i love it so much you all love it to but how you install ktutle in phone??????? that is the app in rollapp
It is very useful
SOOO cool 😎 app👌🏻👌👌🏿👌🏼👌🏾👌🏽
nice my computer teacher is teaching this
good,but very,very lagggggy :(
It's nice than python
EPIC I [i dont know what else to write sorry]
cool but can't download it
Very Good App
Awesome for kids
I don't know which is better, Python or K turtle . Python is a wee bit better as K turtle is kinda laggy.
its sooo cool and i like it very much but there is one thing i do not like about it:1.it kinda lags 2.when i type a letter it takes at least 2 seconds to come on the screen..anyway its actually amazing i started it now because i took a 4 month break from kturtle... last i did it with my school teacher now in this panademic we cannot go to school to do it so i tried it now and i forgot what the editor pane is for.
So good 😊
Kturtle is an amazing app u can learn coding and more. My teacher tought me this i really love it ❤😍💖💕🌹🎉 and its kind of laggy😒🤦♂️🤔
nice app
its nice
so nice app 😀😀 good app
the most intelligent app in my life so nice i like it too much
i love this program my maam is teaching a lot and now i can make a calculator !!!
very much information
My teacher is teaching me on KTurtle and it is so fun. I am giving 4 stars because when I code, it lags and when I click on a letter, it takes a second to come on the screen. But I love the app and its features.
wow! amazing so much knowledge i getting to learn coding
It is very nice
the most intelligent app in my life !!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the most engaging app my teacher taught KTurtle
I like it so much. It was very nice
it is super kturtle is awsome
I love this app so much. I am learning it from my computer teacher.👏👌❤👍
It's cool
That's because your default speed is slow motion. Change the default speed into full speed. I like this app. I tried one of the screenshots but it did not work. By Arnold
Good but the only promblem is to copy and paste. i cant copy from another website and paste on the kturtle application . anyway thankyou for making this possible to us and i cant forget the turtle is super cute.
amazing app
good but needs more easy shortcuts and turtle needs to be faster rollapp ? more like niceapp
Nice prefers a thumbs up 👍
bad and good
it is an amazing app and I like it a lot
I like this app very much I play in my mobile and computer I like KTurtle
to slow and have to spell longgggggg words
The turtle is cute But it is very slow it is very very very very very slow
this app is very good and turtle cute
can't edit errors but good
Its so good and the turtle is cute.By Ivan
tooooooooo sloooooooowwwwwwwwww
Good but not allowing to edit errors
cool but difficult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is really cool
Very good the application
very interesting
good but too many glitches and even slower than a real turtle
And smartphone in kturtle!
I love this app, it has helped me understand and enjoy coding
Epic!!!!!!!!!!!!super fast
Basic coding and its logic can be deployed as a code using Kturtle. Good for novice!!!!
very interesting!
very nice
Nur toll!
soooooooooooooo good app
very interesting,skillful
Very good app lol
very nice programming app and mindblowing
It is very excellent game but very slow
NICE APP.I LIKE IT 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This app is excelent I feel its an easy learning program but there is some confusion while using it
Slow but same like other Kturtle
excellent but just it is way to slow
It takes a lot of time for the text to appear in the Editor pane. It is very slow, but I still like it.
It was very fast and good for learning
It is pretty good and we are working with it in class
kturtle is to good but it is so much slow
Kturtle is good but get it
K turtle is good ! But slow.
there should be a tutorial
pretty good
good but but commands are difficult
very nice
good but slow
kturtle is good but lags a lot !
i like it very much. i am international Indian school dammam students very interesting in this software
It is very good for education system